8 Easy Recipes: Make-Ahead Thanksgiving Sides

In our Share & Savor Course, you’ll learn 8 amazingly nutritious plant-based recipes that double as easy thanksgiving recipes and make-ahead sides just in time for the big day.

Make sure you register for the course in time for the Black Friday discount that ends next week! Then, see how to put them together to eat well-balanced meals throughout the day.

***Psssst…remember to keep yourself and your loved ones safe as you celebrate the Holidays! Wash hands, wear masks and remain socially-distant. Consult your local health department’s recommendations on whether it’s safe to celebrate with family that lives outside your home.

8 Make-Ahead Thanksgiving Sides (and one Thanksgiving Dessert!)

Each of the recipes below is a plant-based original from Chef Araba. And now, you can learn how to make them in our Share & Savor course. If you ask me, these 8 recipes are a perfect starting point for a modern Thanksgiving menu. Click to register for the course, download the guidebook, and find the recipes (and video links) on their respective pages.

  1. Recipe: Tomato & Avocado Salad Paired with Video.................................................page 12

    Recipes #1 and #2 are salads so flexible that they can double as sides or main dishes.

  2. Bonus Recipe: Freestyle Seasonal Salad...............................................................……...page 14

  3. Recipe: Seasoned Vegetable Sauté Paired with Video..............................................page 19

    Recipe #3 is a hefty mixed veggie side that can fill you up with heart-healthy squash so you won’t even want that second piece of sugar-laden pecan pie.

  4. Bonus Recipe: Fluffy Quinoa..................................................................................…………..page 21

    If you haven’t tried quinoa stuffing, you’re missing out. Set yourself up for success by starting with this recipe for impossibly cloud-like quinoa

  5. Recipe Smooth Tropics Blend Smoothie Paired with Video....................................page 24

    Use this berry-rific smoothie as a plant-based energy boost (paired with homemade oatmeal) before you serve Thanksgiving dinner. Or, convert it to a smoothie bowl or chia seed pudding and serve as Thanksgiving dessert.

  6. Bonus Recipe: Homemade Oatmeal...................................................................………....page 26

  7. Recipe for Creamy Vegetable Bagel Paired with Video.............................................page 30

    This heart-healthy take on a bagel “schmear” makes for the perfect Thanksgiving appetizer.

  8. Bonus Recipe: Sweet Potato Wedges.…………………………………………………………....page 32

    This recipe is an elegant take on what you’d get if sweet potatoes and french fries had a baby. And, the fact that they’re baked (not fried) improves their fat profile and heart healthiness.



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For more recipes that bring out the best parts of foods, join our Share & Savor wholesome eating course… It’s discounted by 25% only through Black Friday, so don’t miss out!

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