Seventh-Inning Solutions [Self-Love Letter]

Hi Byte Wellness Fam!

How are you feeling?

I’m tired. I don’t know about you, but I’ve reached that January 7th inning stretch. You know the feeling?

It’s that 3rd week in January when you lose steam. it feels like we’ve been trying to push a boulder up a hill while dragging a ball-and-chain behind us.

If you’re feeling like this, check out the #PhyteWellWednesday Workshop recording from this week.

Last week, in the 2nd week of the New Year New Moves workout challenge, we walked through the process of shifting our goals around existing barriers to make daily workouts more do-able.

Now, we’re kicking off the 3rd week of the Challenge, and we’re focused on finding the things (assets) that make our goals easier. Click below to watch and text TEXT to 1(866)717-1919 to get your own invite to the Wednesday night workshop.

Seventh Inning Wellness Stretch

Okay, so what is this Seventh Inning Wellness Stretch?

Listen, we know we’re in the stretch when we haven’t quite recovered from all the running around over the Holidays.

But, now that we’re in post-Holiday life, we’ve taken a huge leap “back into the swing of things” with all our regular responsibilities. Then we’ve layered one or two big habit shifts on top of all that.

During this January Seventh Inning Stretch, we start to feel like what we’re trying to do is impossible.

It’s at this point, that so many of us are tempted to throw our New Year Resolutions down the drain, along with so much of our hope for personal growth. “This just isn’t my year”. “Why did I think I could lose weight?” “I’m just not someone who can get good sleep”.

Then what happens? Usually, we choose between 2 options:

  1. We give up on our new goals - (“no more early morning workouts because I need to catch up on sleep”)

  2. We give up on our wellbeing- (“I have to put up with being tired because this is the year I get into shape”

Holding ourselves to these two options is like standing at the cookout with our food, when our paper plate starting to collapse under the weight of it all.

Do we throw out all of our food in order to preserve the plate? Or do we let the plate break, spilling all our food to the floor? Hopefully, we’d choose the third option.

When we’ve put more on our plates than our plates can handle, get a bigger plate (by using our wellness assets) OR put less food on the plate.

Similarly, we’ve got a third option in this Seventh Inning Stretch:

Option 3: Compromise. Don’t give up on our goals, don’t stop taking care of ourselves…simply CHANGE our goals.

We created our goals. They serve US, not the other way around.

There’s no rule saying we have to go from zero to one hundred all in January!

Some of us really expected to go from barely moving to spending hours at the gym every day. How Sway?

If the work we’re doing to build new habits today, maybe it is.

Accepting that reality is liberating.

We can’t use other people’s blueprint to reach OUR goals. I don’t care if somebody on Instagram made a zero-to-one hundred habit shift. That might not be our ministry.

Maybe we go from zero to one this month because that’s what we can manage. That is a victory!

Taking small steps each month (from zero to one to two, to three) gets us to one hundred, eventually.

We still get there. And, we get there intact. I’d say that option is infinitely better than either alternative.

How do you negotiate changing our health and wellness goals? How do you manage to reach your newly adjusted goals? What are you doing to lean into your wellness assets?

Let us know!

Happy, Healthy Living,

Dr. Wuse