Our 2024 New Year Resolutions [Self-Love Letter]

Byte Wellness Fam!

How. Are. You. Feeling????

I am in disbelief. This week doesn’t feel like it should be the last one of the year. This doesn’t feel like this should be our last Self-Love Letter of the year. But it is!

You ready to wish farewell to 2023? You ready for all wins and lessons that 2023 will bring? In the #PhyteWellWednesday conversation this week, we did just that.

Check out the recording below in order to do the intention-setting exercise for yourself. If you’re not getting invites to these weekly sessions, you can text TEXT to 1(866)717-1919 in order to join the Daily Wellness Text Thread (where the invites are delivered).

Journal Prompts for 2024

In the workshop, we helped each other answer any lingering wellness questions and stated New Year Resolutions (as wellness intentions) for 2024.

Sometimes we need a little help to realize what EXACTLY we need to work on. If that sound like you, make sure you scroll down to check out our list of all 52 of the Discussion Questions from the past year. These make excellent journal prompts to help you set your 2024 New Year Resolutions.

Please take your time with them. Please take your time with yourself.

Can’t wait to re-connect in the New Year!

  • What is the one song (or album) that makes you stop what you r doing and move whenever you hear it?

  • What are your earliest memories of dancing? Who did you dance with?

  • Outside of this challenge, when and where do you usually dance- at special events, with certain people?

  • What do you think your ancestors would want for your life today?

  • Think about your younger self. What lessons can you learn from that person about what it takes for you to be well?

  • You know that phrase- too much of a good thing is bad? How does that apply to your wellness? What habit makes you feel good in moderation only?

  • Think about your parents, grandparents, etc. How they did approach stress in their lives?

  • What is one cause of stress you can not seem to let go of even though you want to?

  • Can you feel stress in your body? If so, where/how does it show up?

  • Have you ever had to fight to be heard/seen in the healthcare system? What worked for you?

  • When is the last time you noticed a bodily sensation (goosebumps, rumbly stomach, sweating, sore or relaxed muscles)? What caused that feeling?

  • When in life did you first notice your brain-body connection? How did it show up?

  • What comes to mind when you hear the phrase *healthy weight*?

  • How old were you when you first noticed pressure to have a certain shape/weight?
    Where did that pressure come from (fam, media, partner, etc)?

  • What is a nagging question you have about weight & health (something you have not yet found an answer to)?

  • Lets load up your questions about weight gain/loss and eating. What do you want to know?

  • When you think about going on a *diet*, what type of eating comes to mind?

  • What types of foods/meals usually make you feel full?

  • When was the last time you reached for a snack (or even a quick meal)? What was in it?

  • Think about the last time you had a food (or drink) craving, how did you respond to it?

  • If you could only give the next generation one piece of healthy eating advice, what would it be?

  • Think about your family history and your own experience. What types of diseases are you at risk for? How does that affect your eating choices?

  • How much faith do you have in the nutrition claims that you find on the front of food packaging (like *low-sodium* or *low-sugar*)

  • As you learn more about how our foods affects our health & wellbeing, do you feel like you are gaining health opportunities or losing eating options?

  • What is one of your go-to restaurants? Do you know the nutrition facts of your favorite meals there?

  • What is your go-to comfort food?

  • In your friendships, are you the friend who gets or gives eating advice? How long have you played that role?

  • Think about your values, the principles you live by. How are they connected to your wellness goals?

  • What questions do you have (about eating or otherwise) that we have not covered yet?

  • What does wellness mean to you? Is wellness a destination or a journey?

  • How high is wellness on your list of priorities? How do your everyday activities reflect that?

  • What things or people cause you stress? How can you tell?

  • Of the stressors you named last week (things that cause stress), which ones can you control What happens when you can not control them?

  • Where does sleep fall on your list of wellness priorities? Why there?

  • Think about how much priority you place on sleep. How do your habits help you make sleep a priority? How do they hurt?

  • Have you ever talked with your doctor about trouble sleeping? Would you?

  • In the last 2 months, what was your biggest wellness win? (Includes new mindset, knowledge, habits, resources, etc)

  • How often do you sit when you could stand or ride when you could walk? Why do you make that choice?

  • What was your favorite type of movement or physical play as a kid? When is the last time you did that thing?

  • When is the last time you successfully built a new exercise habit? What was the key to your success?

  • When you grab a meal or a snack, which category does it usually fall into: plant, animal or processed food?

  • What is your relationship with sweet foods and drinks?

  • When is the last time you had a meatless meal? How was it?

  • What is the main wellness superpower you want to boost in order to supercharge your wellness going into 2024?

  • Imagine yourself without the identity of *Black woman*. What would it take for you to be your healthiest and happiest self as a human?

  • What are you grateful for? Answer can be as specific or as general as you want.

  • What are some things/people that made you feel *good* last week? How exactly did they make you feel?

  • Think about the things/people that make you feel good.
    How can you get more of those things in your life?

  • We r approaching another set of eating-focused celebrations.What lingering questions about health & wellness do you have related to Xmas and New Year?

  • Our thoughts guide our actions. Think about a habit you r working to change.
    What mindset shifts do you need to make to reach your goal?

Happy Healthy Living in 2024,

Dr. Wuse