Health and Wellness During Black History Month: Reaching Goals


What are you doing to observe it? Reading, teaching, protesting, building, serving?

According to the group that created Black History Month (The Association for the Study of African American Life and History), the official theme for Black History Month 2022 is: Black Health and Wellness.

To that end, if you do nothing else this month, the act of reading this- of investing in your wellness- means you’re honoring our ancestors. All that they sweat and bleed for. All they danced and marched for. All they hoped for…is in us now. Let’s protect our collective bodies and minds and keep doing the work.

Speaking of protecting ourselves, we’re preparing for our next live course to help you with that: a Wellness Resilience Bootcamp. It’ll go live in April. But, you lovely folks will get access to a discounted price starting next week. So, stay tuned.

In the meantime, let’s get ready to transform our wellness for the long run by learning the science behind building new habits. That’s what we’re focusing on this month.

Watch the video below for a primer on the 3 Bs that are the first key to building healthy habits. LEarn how to Block, bundle and break up your time in order to reach your goals.

Don’t forget to answer our discussion questions from this week.

Discussion Questions:

  • What's a wellness win you're proud of?

    You can name ANYTHING…even “not giving up”. That’s a win for sure.

Happy Healthy Living,

Dr. Wuse